Use Cases

Agent Training Gamers can personalize their gaming experience by training their Agents based on their gameplay style. These Agents can be used in games or traded on the MarketHub.

Agent Trading Gamers and developers can monetize their efforts by selling or trading trained game Agents on the MarketHub. This creates a vibrant economy centered around a new digital asset class(Agents).

Agent Renting Gamers of all levels can create their own Agents that can be rented out to fans to monetize and create an unforgettable experience.

Game Developers By using the iAgent tools, SDKs, and APIs, game developers can create and implement Agent training modules for their games or other games and earn lifetime royalties.

Game Studios Access to iAgent products for training and developing human-trained Agents to supplement their player base.

Competitive Gaming Users can engage in a new level of competition, putting their skills against game Agents trained by pro gamers or their peers. Additionally, Agent vs Agent tournaments are a great way to engage your Agents.

GPU providers Provide ideal computing power to train and validate Agents in exchange for a share of the revenue from the training job.

Node Validators Run protocol nodes to secure the network, help determine rewards for GPU workers, and earn rewards for their contributions to the network.

Token Staking Token holders can stake their tokens to assist in network security and governance. This provides an investment opportunity and in return they receive $AGNT tokens as a reward.

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