Eco-system Participants

GPU miners GPU miners/gamers can participate by contributing their idle computing power to the ComputeHub. They can earn protocol native tokens in return, transforming their mining rigs into a source of income beyond mining cryptocurrencies. The collaboration also allows them to play a vital role in the development of intelligent game agents.

Pro gamers Pro gamers can utilize the iAgent to train game Agents based on their gameplay style. These intelligent Agents can be traded on the MarketHub or rented out to fans. Furthermore, pro gamers can participate in tournaments within the GameHub, adding an additional dimension to their gaming experience and potential income.

Content creators Streamers and content creators can also use gameplay footage to train their intelligent Agents. Their large followings can be leveraged to popularize these Agents, contributing to the overall vibrancy of the ecosystem. They can also host or participate in GameHub tournaments, providing entertainment for viewers and earning revenue.

Casual gamers Gamers can participate in various ways: they can use their idle GPU power for the ComputeHub for extra revenue, play against intelligent Agents in the GameHub, and even use the 'TrainHub' to train their own game Agents. By participating in the ecosystem, they can enjoy passive income and an exciting gaming experience.

Developers AI developers can use the 'DevHub' to create Agents modules for games, gaining access to the advanced tools, SDKs, and APIs provided by the iAgent protocol. They can also propose and contribute to improving the overall AI capabilities of the protocol and can be rewarded in $AGNT tokens.

Last updated