Proof of Ownership

Proof of Ownership in the iAgent protocol is a critical feature that ensures the rightful ownership and authenticity of intelligent models, training data, and user identities. This feature helps maintain a fair and transparent ecosystem.

Proof of model ownership Within the iAgent protocol, game agents are considered on-chain assets, and their ownership is tracked. When an agent is created or trained, ownership is assigned to the creator, which is then recorded on the blockchain. This ownership record can be used to validate the owner during transactions, ensuring the creator's rights are protected.

Proof of training data ownership Training data is the foundation of intelligent models, and its ownership should be recognized. The protocol ensures that users who provide training data maintain ownership rights. This is crucial for protecting users' rights and acknowledging their contribution to intelligent models training.

Unique identity Every iAgent user is assigned a unique identity. This identity is associated with all their activities within the protocol. This includes the assets they own, the contributions they make, and the rewards they receive. This helps maintain the integrity of the system, prevents fraudulent activities, and ensures that users are appropriately rewarded for their contributions.

On-chain asset transfer When a game agent is traded, leased, or otherwise transferred, this transaction is recorded on the blockchain. The on-chain record serves as transparent and immutable proof of ownership transfer. This ensures that the newly acquired owner has full rights to the agent.

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