DLL Not Found Error?

Please install the latest version of the VC Redist package based on your system's specifications from the following URL: Latest Supported VC Redist

Login Issues: Connection Failed or Rewards Not Updated After 6 Hours?

Please download and install the latest version from our downloads page: Download Latest Version

PC Mapped to the Wrong Wallet Address?

If your PC is mapped to someone else's wallet, please create a ticket on the iAgent Discord. Our team will investigate and provide a solution.

Unexpected Token Error in CLI?

This issue might be due to an outdated Node.js version. Follow these steps to update:

Step-by-Step Guide to Update Node.js:

  1. Remove the current installation:

    sudo apt-get remove nodejs
  2. Install the latest version of Node.js:

    • First, install n (Node.js version manager):

      sudo npm install -g n
    • Then, install the latest stable version of Node.js:

      sudo n stable
    • If you want to install a specific version (e.g., Node.js 14 or 16):

      sudo n 16
  3. Verify the installation:

    node -v
Why Are My Rewards Slower?

Reward generation depends on several factors, including:

  • Node Participation: Running your node consistently throughout the day boosts your rewards.

  • Number of NFTs Held: The more NFTs you have, the higher your rewards.

  • Growing Network: As more nodes and agents join the network daily, the reward pool is split among all participants, leading to lower individual rewards over time. Those with the highest participation and most NFTs mapped will see the greatest benefits.

Why is my uptime percentage so low?

Uptime percentage is the weightage percentage of your total uptime today with your mapped NFTs compared to the rest of the nodes running around the world, so it would always be around 0 - 5% range based on total no of nodes. Example : For users holding 1-5 NFTs, since no.of such users is higher, the uptime percentage is around 0.1 to 1% , while users holding 15-25NFTs per node have around 1-1.5% due to the added NFTs weightage.

There are currently 5,000 Genesis nodes on sale. Will there be additional sales planned, and if so, how many?

For Genesis Mint only 5,000 nodes available.

Are the NFTs for the Genesis nodes transferable? If yes, after how long can they be transferred?

Yes, they are transferable but will have a trade lock of 90 days.

The current setup is focused on Node-as-a-Service (NaaS) operations. What options are available for users who want to run the nodes themselves (e.g., on PC, VPS, etc.), and when will this infrastructure be available?

Yes, PC, VPS are supported through out Windows Client and CLI apps.

Regarding node reward redemption, is there a vesting period? If so, what are the details?

All those details will be available on our Gitbook [ which is being updated within 1-2 days ]

Last updated