The following document provides a comprehensive overview of the iAgent protocol
We envision creating an innovative first of its kind digital asset class secured by blockchain that represents more than just a game character. The iAgent protocol creates Agents that embody the user’s personal gaming strategies, styles, and creativity all rolled into one. Developed from the user’s game footage, an Agent is a trainable digital representation of the user’s gaming persona that they control and monetize.
iAgent protocol proposes a comprehensive solution that combines AI, Blockchain, and Gaming into a single, decentralized platform. It utilizes a consumer grade GPU computing power through Decentralized GPU Infrastructure Network in short ComputeHub for training intelligent Agents, a MarketHub for trading Agents and GameHub where these Agents are rented or leased and compete against other gamers.
The iAgent protocol introduces 'proofs' Proof of Work, and Proof of Ownership that ensure fair rewards and trustworthy transactions. All the while, the protocol's native token, $AGNT, fuels the ecosystem, rewarding participation and facilitating transactions.
In addition, the iAgent protocol offers a broad range of tools such as SDKs, APIs and platforms designed for AI researchers and game developers. We aim to build a future where technology serves as a bridge, not a barrier, to innovation, ownership, and community engagement.
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